Verified & Audited Smart-contract

Chance to earn Million Tron Trusted and Verified Smart Contract

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Why Choose TronCrown Community


Safe & Secure

You can view all the transactions and details that have occurred since the Smart Contract was launched in real time by visiting the Contract page.


Fully decentralized platform

100% Decentralized. No Owner, No Admin, No Back Doors, No Hit & Run. The contract balance remains in the contract itself and goes back to the community contributors.This platform operates according to the specified smart contracts and runs on blockchain, allowing anyone to join a trustworthy decentralized network that operates on a peer-to-peer system.


Worldwide legal company with professional team

We are a reputable team of experts on the blockchain market, We're working around the clock to increase the platform's popularity and turn it into a way for people all around the world to earn millions of Tron.

Bonus Calculator

You’ll contribute

Current profit: 0%


Contribution Amount


Bonus Reached in 0 days

TronCrown is a decentralized, community-based, 100% fair, and smart contract-verified contribution platform. It’s also the safest contribution platform available.

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How TronCrown Works

+2% every 24 hours (+0.0833% hourly)

The Tronking smart-contract Figures out all the sums. Every contribution which has been completed since the date and time it was made gets eligible for a bonus percentage. Every hour, members will receive 0.0833%, and every day, members will receive 2%. +0.0833%, every day +2%.


The hold-bonus is calculated by smart-contract based on your contribution or last withdraw date. It will give you an additional bonus if you did not request payment. After 24 hours, add +0.1%, after 48 hours +0.2%, after 72 hours +0.3% and so on up to 0.5%.


+0.1% will be added as an additional bonus when a member directly adds 5 members under him.
Total invested amount (TRX):
Total active participants:
Current platform balance (TRX):

Smart-Contract Address

Make New Contribution

Connect with your TronLink / TronPay browser extension, or TronWallet / Banko mobile app. After connection you will get the opportunity to make a contribution (reload this page).
Please, contact our support team if you can't connect.

Your upline partner wallet: No upline
IMPORTANT! Do not forget about blockchain fee! You should have 20-25 TRX more on your wallet, or your transaction will get out of energy status!

Minimal deposit amount: 200 TRX (no maximal limits)
We are working only with TRON (TRX) cryptocurrency
Your deposit will be activated after 1 confirmation in blockchain
Earnings come every moment on your wallet balance, you can withdraw it any time you want

Your Wallet Statistic

Connect with your TronLink / TronPay browser extension, or TronWallet / Banko mobile app. After connection you will get the opportunity to make a contribution (reload this page).
Please, contact our support team if you can't connect.

Your upline partner wallet: No upline
TRON (TRX) - one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world, consistently handles 2000 transactions per second. Also, TRX is one of the most popular cryptocurrency coin with ~$1.12b market cup.

How to get TRX?

You can easily get TRX on every popular exchangers like Binance, Poloniex, Bitfinex, OKEx and many others. After exchange send TRX on your personal wallet and after that send it to our smart-contract address.

IMPORTANT! We are working only with personal wallets. Dont make deposits form exchangers accounts, you will lose funds, because payouts will come to exchanger address, not yours!

What TRX personal wallets to use?

You can use two types of wallets:
- Browser extensions. For example TronLink / TronPay. Just install extension on your favorite browser and create personal wallet address.

- Mobile crypto wallets. You can use any personal crypto wallet, which support TRX cryptocurrency and "TRON dapps" technology, for example: Klever Wallet